
他35年前出生在意大利米兰, 在年少时就爱上了探险和摩托车. 4岁时他在零下5度浑身赤裸的骑着他的三轮车在后院的灌木丛尝试爬上山坡; 这是他人生中第一次郑重的把生命交付在危险中, 随后在他的成长过程中发生了更多的事故. 童年时他曾经想成为一名职业摩托车手。虽然有一些不可否认的好结果, 但他专注于把他的精力投入到严肃的问题中和参与一家名为希乐仑的公司的创业。尼古拉的事业起源于纽约而现在他在上海设立办公室开拓希乐仑在亚洲的市场。 尽管他的身份一直在变,但对于挑战和冒险的热情却始终没变。在过去的10年里他被非洲深深吸引在那里骑行了超过20000公里,并且在2010年赢得了Pharaons世界冠军大赛。

埃琳娜31年前出生在米兰。她不了解任何关于摩托车及发动机的事,但另一方面热爱旅行并且一直酷爱美食文化和可持续性。激情,令她到伦敦,在那里她重新进入大学学习食品人类学。去伦敦之前,埃琳娜在米兰学习沟通和环境经济学和管理,然后在可持续发展和企业社会责任领域工作了几年,始终聚焦于世界的食物产业。经过一年在寒冷的阿尔比恩最近回到基地, 开始了Meneghina Express的冒险,为团队中爱冒险的摩托车手提供她对于可持续性和食品文化供应的领域知识。

1972年出生在罗马,他拥有经济学学位,有超过15年在金融领域的经历。他现在经营自己的公司VirgilioLab,主要经营投资者关系。皮特总是被运动和旅行吸引。他特别喜欢航海、冲浪和滑雪,骑马或骑他的哈雷-戴维森摩托车,滑冰并且在过去的3年开始滑翔。出于这个原因, 他一年至少空出一个月在巴西、希腊和西班牙。他开始是和他的父母去旅行,在二十岁的时候,他花了一年在纽约学习。他也生活在伦敦和罗马。现在基本是在米兰。他喜欢说:“旅行是你唯一买了以后让你越来越富有的东西”。

Deeply attracted by travelling and living adventures, Flavio expresses his love for Planet Heart and people, through activities able to connect him with nature and its beauty: skydiving, surfing, speed-riding, trekking and bike-riding. He loves to share his experiences making videos, writing tales, playing and listening music. He used to be a video-maker, while now he’s working as multi-projects consultant. Overall, he believes that his and other’s dreams can be realized. We’ve named him Stream as he will be the responsible for all video contents.

Before becoming a citizen (and a photographer) of the World, Mirco Lazzari was born in Castel San Pietro in 1961. He is a sport photographer since the 1989, from the 2001 follows also the MOTOGP race, and moreover from 2004, not happy already to travel all over the four corners of the planet, has decided to cover some Formula 1 races. During these years he has developed a particular style that made him recognizable anywhere, above all to a certain number of juries that awarded him several prizes. Mirco’s pictures, distributed in the past from Grazia Neri and now from Getty Images, can been seen on newspapers and magazines not only in Italy but worldwide, and moreover on several books about motorcycles. After 51 years, his passion is still like the first day. Even though he does not say it, everybody knows that until there is a camera and a piece of Earth at his disposal, he would be there to take pictures.

Giorgio was born 49 years ago in Gallarate, a place near Milan Airport, where in fact he works in the MIS department. He has a thing with repair, since he was a child he loved to unassembled any mechanical or electric unit that standing in front of him. He loves the Mountains and the Ocean, he spend most of his weekends hiking the mountains of Val D’Ossola where is hunting for rare mushrooms.. who know if we’ll be able to find some also on the Meneghina Express route!
Enrico was born under the sign of Sagittarius and in fact has never denied his astral characteristics: he always loved challenges, travel and adventure. "Skier" was formed in the Alpine Military School in Aosta. "Rider" with his bike has traveled the streets of Europe’s going as far as Moscow and St. Petersburg. "Sailor" with his sailboat has sailed the waters of the Mediterranean. "Video reporter" for 35 years working on film and television sets. With its cameras will document for the RAI Italian television our adventure which is undertaking the Guinness Book of Records. Working for over ten years on the set of "Scherzi a Parte" is nicknamed "Candid Camera".

In love with cars, motorsport and competitions since the first days of life, he races with anything e never loose a chance to compete with somebody: Grass-cutters, remote controlled cars, go-kart, race cars, supermarket trolleys. He lives in Asia since many years, proud ambassador of “The Made in Gallarate” around the world, is involved in trading and consulting. He takes part in MENEGHINA EXPRESS as a support trucks driver