Day 29 - Kazakhstan
- July 8
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2013年7月08日 星期一 18:06
After the night spent at an inn on the road, sleeping on the wooden planks, we left at 7:30, counting on travelling at least 400 km. We start with a great climate, cool and dry, but unfortunately the misadventures begin soon, after only 150km swarms of giant grasshoppers fly at us, right about now we are traveling with bare arms. We are hit by these insects, like bullets; really painful!
Then, after about 200km, the bike of Valerio breaks yet another toothed belt, fortunately just in front of a rest stop where we can replace it and recharge the batteries. In meanwhile a truck driver Uzkbhekistan departed from Cornaredo, on June 3, tells us about his journey from the north of Italy. We eat gogupsi, delicious cabbage rolls with meat and giarcola, a potato soup with meat. In the afternoon we go on, passing through Aktube, a city near the oil wells, and after another 100 km we arrive to Kandyagash where there is a cold welcome from the local population but fortunately there is a small inn, a little sleazy, but we find a shower and some beds .We are satisfied. Tomorrow we'll go forth early.
Path traveled today